Silicon Valley Area Chapter


Learn about advances in device packaging designs, methods, materials, processes and reliability


Learn about advances in device packaging designs, methods, materials, processes and reliability

Learn about advances in device packaging designs, methods, materials, processes and reliability

Upcoming Meetings and Webinars

Dr. Ivor Barber of AMD presenting at one of our luncheon talks.

Dr. Ivor Barber of AMD presenting at one of our luncheon talks.

Upcoming Conferences and Workshops

Slides and Webinars from Past Meetings

Semiconductor Supply Chain “Eco System” Overview (Pearsall) -- pyramid model, main players, upstream & downstream, chip design, tools, packaging, test, markets ...
(on the Internet)
Technology Megatrends (Milojicic) -- factors, world conditions, economics, IEEE CS predictions, digital transformation, sustainability, AI, AGI ...
(on the Internet)
The Application of Simulation and Artificial Intelligence in Advanced Packaging (li) -- heterogeneous integration, development cycle, yield enhancement, modeling, digital twins, virtual representation ...
(on the Internet)
Increasing Role of Silicon Photonics and Criticality of Advanced Packaging Technologies to Meet Future Compute Demands (Sane) -- bandwidth needs, compute demands, energy, chiplets, photonics integration, systems ...
(on the Internet)
Thermal Challenges and Opportunities: From Chip to Facility (Hang) -- thermal management, AI/ML hardware, thermal interface materials, cold plate, liquid cooling ...
Advancing Opto-Electronics With Thermo-Electric Technology (Smitt) -- heat pump, temperature stability, miniaturization, telecommunications, datacenters ...

Electronics Packaging Tutorials

Workshop on Quantum Computing: Devices, Cryogenic Electronics and Packaging -- integrating the physical qubit layer with control electronics using advanced packaging solutions ...
from to
at SEMI Hdqtrs, Milpitas, and via WebEx
Tutorial: Reliability Testing and Design for Reliability of Packaging Interconnects (Lau) -- lead-free solder, constitutive equations, creep, temperature, strain rate, testing, data analysis, acceleration factors, mean life, recommendations ...
(on the Internet)
Tutorial: Reliability Physics and Failure Mechanisms in Electronics Packaging (Fan) -- stress conditions, thermo-mechanical, vibrational, moisture, humidity, electromigration, acceleration factors, applications ...
(on the Internet)

An advanced pre-production package, held by UC-Davis graduate A. Nguyen, a packaging engineer

Message from Past Chapter Chair, Annette Teng

Annette Teng

Annette Teng

    Welcome, and thank you for visiting our IEEE-EPS-Silicon Valley Chapter website. Whether you are IEEE member or casual onlooker, we hope you can enjoy our website and find us of value to you.

   Since our inception over 50 years ago, EPS-SCV has provided a valuable forum for those who are interested in learning and exchanging knowledge relating to electronic packaging design, assembly, test, thermal and stress management. Our chapter is a facilitator for sharing knowledge and networking with others through activities such as lunch talks, symposiums and factory visits. We normally hold a monthly lunch seminar at SEMI Headquarters in Milpitas. However, since the shelter-in-place came into effect, we have organized a series of EPS webinars in the area of device package heterogeneous integration and the HI Roadmap. Slides and videos from past seminars can be downloaded/viewed from this webpage. Membership is not required to attend nor required to download/view past content. We are in various stages of organizing more webinars and virtual symposiums for the rest of this year.

    Our last face to face seminar was on Feb 28, 2020 with a talk by John Lau, and our last symposium was Feb 20, 2020 — the Third Annual Heterogeneous Integration Roadmap (HIR) Symposium, with 170 attendees. Thankfully, no one was infected from attending either event.

    Our membership is made up of a few hundred Bay Area members who are currently employed or have previously worked in high tech firms (and academia) in the area of device packaging. Those of us keeping the chapter active consist of a committee of officers who are voted in yearly. If interested, you can become an IEEE-EPS member by going to the EPS Website; also, we have many opportunities within the chapter for you to get involved — such as outreach programs to promote packaging interests to students and also to provide funding to underserved groups.