About Us
The Silicon Valley Chapter of IEEE Computer Society is the largest chapter in the Silicon Valley Section of IEEE. The section itself is one of the largest, if not largest in the world. With over 3,400 subscribers in its mailing list, 1,300+ paid members, and a strong following of over 12,300 on Twitter alone, the chapter are uniquely positioned by the virtue of its location and available expertise.
The chapter operates as part of the global IEEE Computer Society, the world’s leading organization of computing professionals. IEEE CS was founded in 1946, and is the largest of the IEEE’s 38 societies. The Computer Society is dedicated to advancing the theory and application of computing and information technology.
The Silicon Valley Chapter emphasizes all aspects of computing to the local members and welcomes visitors. It organizes monthly Technical Meetings, which give opportunity for professional networking and where invited speakers from academia and industry share their vision on the computing domain. The Chapter also puts on two conferences each year, ICADS (International Conference on Applied Data Science), and co-organizes the NFIC (New Frontiers in Computing) conference with NATEA (North America Taiwanese Engineering & Science Association) and the IEEE Student Chapter at Stanford University. NFIC was first hosted in 1999 and is in its 24th year. In the past, the chapter used to host the EDPS (the Electronic Design Process Symposium) as well. The chapter started hosting an AMA (Ask me Anything) series featuring world renowned experts such as Pedro Domingos and Bjorn Schuller. The chapter started its quarterly flagship publication, Feedforward and an awards program in 2022.
The Chapter is a fully volunteer driven organization, where the volunteers benefit by developing their professional network, experience and satisfaction.
The chapter introduced multiple new initiative in the recent past and plans to continue to do so. Explore this website for more details.
2024 Chapter Officers
In its annual election, the following officers have been elected by the Chapter members.
Chair | Vishnu S. Pendyala, PhD |
Vice Chair |
SR Venkataraman |
Secretary |
Meenakshi Jindal |
Treasurer |
Srinivas Vennapureddy |
The Chapter organization is strongly supported by a volunteer group consisting of
- Advancement Chair: Dick Ahrons
- Awards Chair: Shmuel Shottan
- ACM Liaison: S.R. Venkatramanan
- NATEA Liaison: YK Chen, Hans Wang, Yao-Hung Yang, John Yu, Pat Fasang, Gary Ni, Chih-Yang Chang, Hsiang-He Lee, Johnny Lin, Professor Jason Wang, Yu-Hao Han, Yi-Ting Wu, Chih-Ling Chang, Rajiv Mathur
- Webmasters: Vishnu Pendyala, Paul Wesling, Meenakshi Jindal
- Video Editor/Archiver: Kevin Cameron
- SVCC Cyber Security Conference: Younghee Park
- Advisors: Paul Wesling
Find your volunteer position!
Our active team can use your assistance. If any of these positions appeal to you, please contact one of the oficers to add your name to our listing.
Social Media (2 positions): — Good familiarity with one or more: LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter — Post upcoming events and news of interest; moderate content Video Archiver: — Good video editing skills — Edit Zoom/WebEx videos of technical talks (remove/trim blank spots, bloopers; drop in slides; improve audio) — Add to IEEE.tv; add links from Website pages Publicity: — Gather content, construct portions of the monthly e-Newsletter — Coordinate publicity in various places: e-GRID, other chapters, etc–Magazine Editor Webmaster: — As assistant webmaster, know how to do basic editing and additions in WordPress — Take on one or two aspects of content creation, such as adding new meetings; editing Page content; etc. Membership Development: — Find ways to encourage non-members who participate in our chapter events to join IEEE and CS — Edit PPT slides with membership benefits, for intro slides at Webinars and meetings — Potentially develop a budget and subsidy program to get non-members to try IEEE/CS membership — Have CS literature and membership brochures available at in-person meetings and events New Frontiers in Computing (NFIC): — join our NFIC Committee to put on our semi-annual conference |
Conferences: — Coordinate participation of the chapter in EDPS, HotChips, and other local workshops and symposia — When interested, serve on organizing/AdCom team for local CS sponsored/co-sponsored events Program Committee member: — Assist in lining up, vetting speakers on topics of interest (perhaps as a specialist in a topical area) — Coordinate co-sponsorship (or publicity) of other chapters with an interest in each specific topic — Update Google Sheets listing of upcoming talks and keep proposals up-to-date Student Chapters Liaison: — Work directly with our Student Branch Chapters at SJSU, CSU-Fresno — Support their faculty chapter advisors; suggest programs/speakers — Budget for on-campus events (pizza/social activities, etc) — Coordinate start-up of new chapters (targets: SCU, Stanford, UC-Santa Cruz) — Potentially develop a budget and subsidy program to get students to try IEEE/CS membership SVEC Liaison: — A good position for a past chapter officer — Explore networking opportunities, co-sponsorships of our programs — Assist with Engineers Week (in February), SVEC Dinner, Silicon Valley Engineering Hall of Fame, Keepers of the Flame, etc. Advancement: — A senior member or fellow who encourages Members to upgrade — Advise them about options for applying for Senior Member and getting endorsements — Potentially identify local Senior Members who might be candidates for Fellow |