Welcome to IEEE RAS SCV/OEB/SF Chapter Homepage

This is a group for anyone interested in the latest development of robotics and automation technology research and development. We organize robotics events and cross-promote awesome robotics events around the Silicon Valley and San Francisco Bay Area.

If you want to volunteer please contact us or email: r6-scv-robotics@ieee.org  Another way to contact us is to join our Meetup group , our Linked In group, or subscribe to our Events Calendar.

See you at one of our next Awesome Robotics Events in the SV/SF Bay Area, from:
Silicon Valley Robotics (networking events for roboticists, startups and companies)
Women in Robotics (networking for women and non-binary people in or interested in robotics)
Black in Robotics (networking for people of color in or interested in robotics)
Open Robotics (all things ROS2, Open RMF and Gazebo simulator)
Homebrew Robotics Club (hands on robot building)
and other awesome roboticists.